How to Create a 5-Year Plan

This is a short article on how to Create a 5-year Plan.

It is a amazing how much productive and succesful people become when they learn how to create a 5-year plan and follow through and achieve all the objectives of their plan. Without a plan your life is unlikely to change much. You put yourself at the mercy of luck!

These are the aspects of your life you need to consider when making a 5-year plan:

Finances. Think about where you want to be financially. Consider income, net worrth, debt, savings and investments. Are there new income streams you want to create? What are your future plans for spending? Do you want to purchase a  house? A holiday home? A boat?

woman counting money

Above image by Alexander Mils

Health. What are your current health challenges? How much do you want to weigh? What type of diet do you want to follow? How fit do you want to be?

Image by Christopher Campbell. creativemarketcom/chrisjoelcampbell

Career. Where do you see yourself in five years? Where do you want to be working? What do you want to be doing? Do you need to go back to college. What is your dream job?

Relationships. Are there any relationships you’d like to create or dissolve? Do you want to have children or more children

Image by

Personal Development. Do you want to learn to spea

k a foreign language or learn to play a musical instrument? Would you like to learn to dance or act? What would you like to learn or to become? What are the skills you need to accquire to make the most of the next five years?

Adventure. What would you like to do? Climb a mountain? Go Scuba diving? See a volcano? What adventures would you like to experience over the next five years?

Image by Derek Owen @derekowensheart on Instagram

Write down what you want for each of these six areas of your life. Once you’ve completed that, begin the process of making a plan for the future. It’s not enough to know where you’re going. You must plan your path too.

Here are some strategies that will help you create a plan and execute it.


Set Goals. Create a few goals for each of your life and set deadlines for each goal. Avoid just having long-term goals. It is important to have shorter-term goals that lead up to your bigger goals.

Note:  It’s hard to maintain focus on goals that require more than 10 weeks to reach. Break you goals down into smalller chunks.

Write a plan. You know what you want to accomplish. You have goals. Create a detailed plan about what you want to accomplish over 10 week segments of time. Just start at the end and keep working back to the present day. Make begining simple enough that you could literally start doing something today.


Create habits. Goals are easy to achieve if you can create the right habits. The challenge is figuring out the habits and then implementing them. With effective habits, success is really easy.

Finally, choose a direction for your life by choosing a destination. Most people fail to plan their lives in any meaningful way. We often keep our focus too short to ever create anything substantial in the future.So hopefully this article has helped you to discover how to create a 5-year plan and is helping you towards massive and very impressive changes in your life.

Image by Fred Kearney @fredasem

Good luck!

Feel free to leave a comment in the box below. I always enjoy reading the comments.



How to Improve Self Motivation – 7 Ways That You Can

There are some people in the world that are motivated all the time and don’t need a helping hand on how to improve self motivation because they instinctively know how to motivate themselves to get things done . On the other hand there are people that have to learn how to motivate themselves. To learn how to improve self motivation can take a bit of time and practice.

Here are 7 ways you can below.

1)  VISUALIZE SUCCESS.  Take a few moments out to visualize yourself achieving all the goals you want to achieve. Like passing that driving test, buying your first car, achieving an important desired exam, marrying the boy or girl of your dreams. Having a lovely home. Children maybe?  When you visualize yourself getting tasks done and achieving all the goals your wish to attain, notice HOW you FEEL. You feel great don’t you?

2)  LIST THE ADVANTAGES. What are the advantages of attaining each goal. What the benefits do you receive? Try using logic to your advantage. Remind yourself of what you’re gaining by achieving your goal?

3)  LIST THE DISADVANTAGES. Use pain to your advantage. What are the penalites fo not attain your goal. How will it make you feel? What are the negative consequences? You can gain alot on how to improve self motivation by recognizing the advantages and disadvantages of you taking action and achieving your goal to taking no action towards attaining at all.

4)  REMIND YOURSELF OF YOUR PAST SUCCESSES. If you’ve lacking motivation because you are doubting yourself, think back in the past when you did great how you felt motivated when you accomplished a particuliar goal. Feel proud and you ‘ll feel more motivated.

5)  WATCH AN INSPIRING VIDEO.  Sometimes the best way  to improve self motivation is to watch an uplifting video. Short or long. One that you just love watching again and again and your never get bored of. You must have some tuck away in your video library somewhere or something you have watched recently on TV or on Youtube. Take note when watching how uplifted you are and how motivated you feel. You feel REAL good and happy. Don’t you? That is the feeling you need to keep hold of when your taking action to towards a task you want complete or a goal wish to accomplish.

6)  LISTEN TO YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC.  Watch how motivated you become when your favourite song comes up suddenly on the radio or when you start playing an album or song by your favourite artist .Notice how you feel. You feel on top of the world and motivated to tackle any task in day including getting done something that brings you one step closer to attain a goal. Don’t you?

7) READ INSPIRING QUOTES OR BOOKS. Lastly, another way to improve self  motivation is to read an inspiring books.Or read out daily inspirational quotes and sayings.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and found it helpful. Feel free to leave a comment in the box below.

Have a great day!



How To Build Self-Motivation-8 Tips (Part 2)

Tip 5) Reward Yourself

Give yourself a gold star of some kind when you have completed a particuliar task.This is a great way of how to build self-motivation Say for example, you are trying to get into shape and you are irregular at your local gym and you want to be working out in the gym 5 times a week. Go to the gym at 5.30am, before you go to work. Give yourself a reward each day that you accomplish going at 5.30am. The rewards could be that extra hour in the evening playing computer games with the kids, or take them or a friend to the movies or play at the local theatre. Prepare a late supper with some of your favourite snacks that maybe alittle expense. But remember whatever reward you choose to give yourself. They ARE YOUR rewards for being motivated and disciplined to have gone down to the gym on those days and at those times. Most of all be proud of yourself!

Tip 6) Use A Timer

Before you start any task, work out how long it should take. Then set a timer for that time length. Do the task and see if you had estimated right. Hopefully you will finish the task just before the buzzer goes off. If you don’t finish it within that time don’t worry. Keep tyring. Practice makes Perfect. When you have another task to do. Follow the same format and see if you have judged more accurrately.

Tip 7) Measure Your Progress

Another great idea that can show you how to build self-motivation in completing tasks beside via a timer. Record your results daily via you computer notepad or on your phone. Even with short and long term goals and bigger ambitions. Keep a daily record of what you have done and how quickly you are getting tasks completed and see how closer it is bringing you to your end desired result. Measuring your progress along the way is a brilliant way to keep your spirits high. It reminds you that time is precious and how well you are doing in not wasting time anymore.

Tip 8) Get Out And Execrise

If you feel your stuck in a rut with getting a task completed. Take break!!!!!!!! Go for a walk to the local shops or in the local park. Go to the gym. Read a chapter of you favourite book. Listen to some of your favourite music. Spend a few minutes in meditation. Make a phonecall and have a chat with a friend or family member. Or, if you are at work take a tea-break or coffee-break. It is amazing when we distract ourselves to do something completely different for a short period of time how we are then better able to concentrate on getting that task we want to get done 100% done.

Finally, not everyone has someone around them to show them how to get self-motivated so I hope I have given you some great ideas on how to build self-motivation.Try now, to think of some other ideas yourself that can get you self motivated.

The highly successful bunch at the top are in their high powerful positions because they have learned to create their own ways to keep themselves motivated without anyone being around them. They are all Masters of How to build Self-Motivation.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this article and that the tips above have helped you.

Feel free to leave a comment below. I will always be pleased to hear success stories of people that have got themselves motivated and accomplished their goals.

Click here for further information.



How To Build Self-Motivation 8 Tips. (Part 1)

Tip 1) First Of All Choose Happiness Over Unhappiness.

This is the first great way of how to build self-motivation. It is alot easier to motivate yourself when you are in a positive mood. Bring your mind around to think of ALL the things that you are grateful for. i.e a roof over your head, having a job, good heath etc etc.

Tip 2 ) Learn To Be A Finisher Not A Half-Finisher

This is a another great tip on How to build self-motivation. A big trail of unfinished projects can bring down anyone’s enthusiasm and zest to start another. Remind yourself that your not quiting till the task is completed 100%. Expect to be successful as you complete your tasks one by one. Success breeds success.

Tip 3) Don’t Worry About Making Mistakes

The only people in the world that don’t make mistakes are the people that don’t do anything. Mistakes can often be great lessons. So…. don’t be frightened to make mistakes.!

Tip 4) Keep Grounded

Keep yourself focused in the present moment. The future is not here, the past is behind you and all you have is this given moment in time you are living right now. I know it is easy for your mind to wander off into the ‘What ifs’ and ‘What will be’s’ of the future, the future hasn’t arrived so don’t worry about it and if your mind refers back to something you regretted doing in your past. Well…..those moments have already been lived and cannot BE RELIVED!

Now that I given you some tips on How to build self-motivation try and think up of some of your own that will help you build motivation.

I hope you have found this article interesting and helpful to you. Feel free to leave a comment below. For further information and tips Click the link here!

All the best



How To Declutter Your Mind -BY 5 WAYS

We live in a very materlistic, hectic, fast changing and mind cluttering world and the demands for individuals to develop a mind free of clutter is higher demand than ever!

So, this is how you declutter you mind by 5 ways

  • Create a different or new habit. a) Go to bed at the same time everynight. b) Eat the same breakfast every morning
  • Check emails and social media notifications at a SPECIFIC TIME during the day.
  • By forming a new habit it steamlines the thought process and elimates the need for decision.
  •  Take time each and every day to relax your mind – Declutter your mind
  • You could take a short nap during  your lunch hour for 15mins or so.
  • Spend some time in an nature environment or local park, sitting quietly on a bench or go for a walk Pay close attention to the movements of nature around you in close details, i.e watch the birds and their movements and listen to their beautiful songs.
  • You could also spend time practicing meditation for 15mins or so.
  • Simplfy your life
  • Every day that you live and go about your everyday business sometimes we don’t realise that we have just TOO many tasks to get through over a 24 hour, 16, hour period. Say “NO” and cut out some tasks that don’t add to your enjoyment of life. Restrict optional actititives too.
  • You could  create list a to-do list to declutter your mind
  • Start with writing at the top of the list the things to accomplish that day that really are important to you. Prioritize.
  • The tasks that are not soo important further down the list to accomplish that day and if not accomplished….Do them the next day!

Finally remember no mutli-tasking just manage one task at a time till it is completed. Decluttering you mind is to simplify your life as much  as possible. The less you have to deal with all at once the easier it is to avoid mental clutter.

Thank you for reading this blog and I hope it has help you.

Have a great day!


About Clare

My name is Clare. I have throughout over the years built up an incredible enthusiasm for Self Awareness.

Everytime I have rolled out a profession  improvement I have needed to create more prominent self-conviction, more prominent inspiration and grow better fearlessness in myself to be fruitful in the chosen vocation territories. Keeping an engaged mentality, growing new propensities have been a test as well!!

So…….I wish to reach to those individuals who are truly struggling to keep  roused and inspired while they are endeavouring to accomplish their objectives. It is difficult to keep it together, I know!

The site will convey significant substance to the individuals who need to enhance their self-assurance, inspiration and mental center, ideally motivating them to more noteworthy bliss and accomplishment.

If you have further questions for me please feel free to leave a comment in the box below.

Much obliged to you for visiting my site.

All the best
